Helpful Advice When Dealing With Yeast Infections

By Bethany Smart

Women all over the world deal with yeast infections at one point in their lives or another. While it may not be the easiest subject to talk about and address, it is very important that you get a handle on your situation so that you won't be living in pain. Read on and learn how you can treat your yest infections.

While exercise is always recommended, it is important to understand how a sweaty environment can contribute to a yeast infection so that you can combat it. Yeast likes nothing better than to grow in such an environment. Natural fiber clothing is the best. This fabric breathes and keeps sweat away from your body. Avoid wearing synthetics, such as nylon or spandex. They keep moisture right against your most sensitive bits.

To keep yeast infections away, try to spend as little time as possible in damp clothing. Don't wear clothing that is wet because yeast thrives in damp conditions. Dry yourself completely after removing clothes that are wet.

If you want to prevent yeast infections, you need to be careful of the products that come into contact with your vagina. Feminine sprays, bubble baths, and scented soaps can all irritate the area inside the vagina and increase the chance of a yeast infection. Anything that is scented or dyed should not come into contact with the vagina.

Don't douche. Your vagina produces natural beneficial bacteria, which help fend off harmful types. Douching removes all bacteria, which can allow harmful types to get a foothold and take up residence. Douching can also disrupt your body's natural PH balance, leading to irritation. Normal bathing and hygiene is all your body needs to stay fresh and clean.

Draw a warm bath and pour two cups of apple-cider vinegar into your bath. Vinegar helps your pH levels come into balance, and it will eliminate your yeast infections. Stay in the tub for ten to fifteen minutes. Alternatively, you could prepare a douche with warm water and 3 tablespoons of cider vinegar.

Stay away from skinny jeans. Tight fitting pants might look and feel great. Unfortunately, they can also cause yeast infections. Try to avoid them. Instead, wear something thin and airy. You need to give yourself room to breathe. Keeping your genitals too tightly confined can create the perfect conditions for a yeast infection.

After you use the restroom, make sure to wipe yourself from front to back. Wiping back to front can bring bacteria to the vaginal area, and this can cause many infections, including yeast infections. Wiping from front to back helps to keep this region of the body healthy and safe from harmful bacteria.

A fantastic and natural cure for yeast infections is oil of oregano. You will probably have to go to a specialty health food store to find it, but it is worth its weight in gold. You need to take this internally and according to the package directions. Find a product that has high levels of carvacrol, which is the active ingredient.

Do not just assume you have a yeast infection; go to your doctor and have him or her diagnose it. Other infections, such as bacterial vaginosis, have similar symptoms as yeast infections do. It is important that you find out which you have, as the treatment for yeast infections differ from other conditions.

You can prevent yeast infections by improving your hygiene. Wash your vagina with a special soap: choose a product with a neutral PH if possible and douche once a week. Use mouthwash and floss to get rid of the bacteria present in your mouth. Use a clean towel to dry after showering.

Always watch where you're wiping. Any time you use the bathroom, but especially after a bowel movement, it is important to remember to wipe from front to back instead of back to front. If you wipe from back to front, you risk transferring yeast and fecal bacteria to your vagina, which can cause infections.

If you want to avoid yeast infections, make sure you are getting enough sleep. When you are properly rested, your immune system can probably fight off yeast infections on its own. Avoid caffeine and exercise in the three hours prior to going to bed, and get the same seven to nine hours every night.

Women across the globe know the exasperation felt when a yeast infection presents itself. Fortunately, by taking the time to acquire a bit of solid information on the subject, it is possible to effectively prevent and treat existing infections quickly and easily. By applying the guidance found above, anyone can have the power to solve this pervasive, yet entirely manageable dilemma.

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