The Top 3 Nutrients In Olive Oil

By Rebecca Mills

From its characteristic flavor to the many ways in which it can be utilized, it's hard to argue against the popularity associated with olive oil. From what I have seen, it is one of the most healthful products available and it is one that can bolster culinary efforts to higher levels. However, I believe that there should be attention given to the nutrients associated with this product. If you want to know why this product is so healthful, these are just a few points worth keeping in mind.

1. According to authorities along the lines of Bellucci Premium, there is a strong amount of monounsaturated fatty acids associated with this product. Olive oil is safe to consume for this reason alone, since the fats in question are ones that the body can put to use; these are worlds apart from the less healthful saturated fats. Keep in mind that regardless of the negative connotation associated with fats, the body still needs them. It's just a matter of understanding what the best sources are.

2. Vitamin K is another important component to consider when assessing the worth of olive oil. One of the reasons why vitamin K stands out, from what I have seen, is its ability to aid in the way of bone density. It can help to expand bone mass, especially when it is taken into the body at an early age. It is also worth noting that the presence of vitamin K has the potential of preventing certain cognitive conditions from coming into being; Alzheimer's disease is a great example of this.

3. Vitamin E is linked to olive oil as well but what are the ways in which it can come into play? For those who do not know, vitamin E is closely related to the antioxidant content of the oil in question. As a result, a higher amount of vitamin E can potentially aid the immune system in battling free radicals, which can cause certain conditions in the body. In regards to certain cardiovascular circumstances, heart disease being one such example, vitamin E can lower the risk of them occurring a well.

If you are able to keep these factors in mind, you should have a better idea of how this type of oil can help you. The culinary benefits are astounding, to say the least, and its various health properties should not go ignored. It goes without saying that you should create the best possible diet for yourself, making use of such products as produce and lean meat. However, with this oil set in place, your diet stands the chance of mattering that much more in the long term.

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