The Best Ways To Get The Benefits Colloidal Silver Can Offer

By Olivia Cross

As increasing numbers of people look for alternatives to conventional medicine old wisdom is being rediscovered. For centuries people knew that silver has anti bacterial properties and would use it in a range of ways. Nowadays many appreciate the benefits colloidal silver has to offer and are figuring out the best ways to harness those benefits.

This is not a new treatment, it was used for centuries before the pharmaceutical industry began. Medical teams on battlefields were well aware that bandages infused with silver would prevent infection. There are even references to its use in ancient Greece.

The reason it works completely is that it destroys the enzymes which bacteria need to thrive. It therefore changes the environment stopping their multiplication. This means it can be used to fight so-called superbugs such as MRSA which are proving resistant to even the strongest antibiotics.

Colloidal silver is easy to take and comes in liquid form. It is actually a preparation of purified, ionized water with microscopic silver articles suspended in it. The particles are invisible to the naked eye. The liquid can be used internally or externally to kill harmful germs and bacteria. To get an idea of the best dose fro a particular problem there are lots of websites with instructions from people who have used it and from therapists.

This preparation can be used for a wide number of ailments. Infections, colds and flu respond well to silver treatments as the bacteria which cause these illnesses are bacterial. It can be applied to wounds as an antiseptic either as part of the dressing or in liquid form.

Parasites and stomach infections are also treatable with this preparation. It has the advantage of not interfering with the beneficial bacteria in the gut. Many medicines destroy all gut bacteria and leave sufferers open to new infections and problems with digestion. This is a useful thing to take on holiday to places where parasites and water borne diseases are prevalent.

If used for a prolonged period of time it is possible that silver can build up in the body. This can lead to a condition called argyria. It is not thought to be dangerous and has been classified as cosmetic. The main symptoms are discoloration of the skin and eyes as they turn a shade of blue. People who know they have an allergy to silver should avoid using this product. Those with other allergies, particularly to other metals should be very cautious when first starting to take silver. It is probably best to test a little on a patch of skin.

It seems that silver has many useful properties to help in health and wellbeing. It is a handy thing to have around in case of accidents it can be used on the wounds. It is also useful for colds, infections, flu, parasites and many more ailments. To get the best from it check out the dosage and method most appropriate for the problem.

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