Finding The Best Biofeedback Practitioner

By Olivia Cross

A treatment that various health care practitioners are using today consists of training patients to control their involuntary physiological responses. The biofeedback practitioner makes use of a device to monitor signals coming from different parts of the body. They act as coaches to patients using various methods such as mental and physical training so that they are eventually able to control these responses on their own.

Humans have used machines to monitor bodily functions for years. We use a thermometer to measure our temperature, a blood pressure monitor to test whether blood pressure is too high or too low and we can also test our sugar levels. With this information, we can take the necessary actions. If we have a fever, for example, we take medication and drink more fluids.

Biofeedback machines work in much the same way. They help to pick up what is going on inside the body. For example, they may be used to measure skin temperature by attaching sensors to the feet or fingers. A drop in temperature is a sure sign that the person is experiencing stress. Sensors also measure the heart rate, activity of the sweat glands and amount of perspiration as well as the amount of tension in muscles.

These sensors or electrodes convey information that can be seen on a screen. This may appear in the form of a graph, a light may flash or a sound like a beep or a buzz will be heard. The strength of this will depend on the level of functioning. As the client applies the various methods advised, he or she can easily gauge the level of success by seeing any changes in the signals coming from the machine. Gradually, they are able to associate successful actions and thoughts with positive changes in their responses.

The premise is that once the patient is more aware of the physiological reactions in the body, they can be taught to control them. The therapist teaches the patient mental or physical exercises to help affect the function that is causing the problem. Success can actually be measured by seeing changes in the speed, intensity or volume of signals on the monitoring device.

Sessions usually last 30 minutes to an hour. The number of sessions depends upon the individual and the condition. The goal is to establish certain positive responses that patients can continue on their own without being hooked up to the machine.

This treatment has become popular and some of the people offering it do not have much training or experience. Find out whether the person has any certification or is registered with a reputable organization. People are often referred for such treatment by health care organizations. If one is searching online, it is possible to check credentials and have access to client testimonials.

Can involuntary physiological reactions be controlled by using this treatment? Many patients who have experienced relief from pain, anxiety and many other conditions are convinced. In fact, success can be gauged simply by observing changes in speed, volume and intensity of signals.

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