Five Facts About Electronic Cigarettes

By Billy Genthner

Electronic Cigarettes continue to grow in popularity, and there are many reasons why people prefer them over a traditional tobacco cigarette. Unlike regular cigarettes, they pose no fire hazard, do not emit noxious fumes and you can smoke them in public places where regular cigarettes are not allowed. Here are some quick facts about E-Cigarettes.

1. There Are Many Names For Electronic Cigarettes

While electronic cigarette and E-Cig might be among the most common names for these products, there are several other terms that might be used to identify them. Personal vaporizer is one term that might be used, or perhaps just PV. They've even been called ENDS or electronic nicotine delivery systems, although not all E-Cigs contain nicotine.

2. The Electronic Cigarette Is Not A New Invention

It's true that this industry has experienced exponential growth in the last four or five years, but E-Cigarettes have been in development for decades. A patent for a smokeless tobacco cigarette was granted in 1963, although this product never hit shelf stores. During the 1980s and 1990s, RJ Reynolds produced Premiers and Eclipse cigarettes. Premiers were smokeless tobacco cigarettes, but difficult to light and consumers did not like the aftertaste. Eclipse cigarettes were more like the vapor cigarettes in today's market. But the true electronic vapor cigarette was invented by a Chinese pharmacist in 2003.

3. E-Cigs Are Fire Safe & Don't Produce Secondhand Smoke.

One of the coolest things about E-Cigs is that unlike a regular cigarette, there is no secondhand smoke. The E-Cigarettes emit a fine vapor that dissipates quickly, producing no smoke and very little odor. There is no tobacco and no possibility of fire when using electronic cigarettes. Smoking cigarettes is the leading cause of house fires in the United States, but with E-Cigs, you eliminate this risk entirely.

4. Electronic Cigarettes Save You Money

If you smoke a pack of regular cigarettes every day, the cost can really add up. The average price per pack varies from state to state, ranging from $5 a pack up to as much as $14 per pack. If you live in a state where cigarettes are $5 per pack, this still means you will be spending more than $1,800 per year on cigarettes. When you begin smoking E-Cigs, you will need to purchase a starter kit, which might cost from $30 up to about $75, but even with this upfront cost, the total cost of smoking E-Cigs is around 40% less than tobacco cigarettes.

5. The Variety Is Astounding

One big advantage you will enjoy with E-Cigarettes is the flavor. With traditional tobacco, you pretty much have two or three basic choices, but there are dozens of options with E-cigs. A vape shop or vape store, such as Vype Vapor in Las Vegas, will provide customers with many flavor options, including custom blends. Some flavors might mimic a traditional tobacco flavor, but you also can opt for fun flavors such as Chocolatta, Choco Mint Chip, Cherry Bomb, Grape Vape, Sweet Peach or Tropical Chill.

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