How To Prepare The Best Ginger Elixir

By Christa Jarvis

If you have problems with your digestion, nothing can help you so efficiently as this amazing pungent root called ginger. It has numerous health benefits and tastes really nice. The best ginger elixir is prepared using organic, fresh, natural ingredients. The whole preparation takes only a few minutes, and it will be enough to take a small cup twenty to thirty minutes before your meal. Regular consummation makes real wonders.

Ginger root is red, white or yellow, and the flavor is pungent, spicy and very pleasant. In dried form, it may be added to different cakes, breads and both sweet and salty dishes. In Kingston, NY, you will find it fresh, but also dried, crystallized, candied and pickled. Active ingredients are the most powerful when it is consumed fresh, and it can be kept in your fridge for a few weeks.

There are so many ways for enjoying ginger. Freshly grated root can be easily combined with lemon juice, water and honey, and you will get delicious lemonade. You could also combine it with garlic, olive oil and lemon juice and make a lovely, as well as healthy, salad dressing. Freshly minced root will improve the taste of your sweet and salty dishes.

Ginger promotes the elimination of intestinal gas and relaxes the intestinal tract. It has direct and indirect anti-inflammatory effects and works as an anti-oxidant. It prevents symptoms of motion sickness, including nausea and cold sweating. It also brings quick and safe relief of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

Anti-inflammatory properties of this strange little root are well documented and proven. It works very well reducing pains and swelling related to arthritis. Many people have experienced significant mobility improvement after taking this elixir on regular basis. It has other health benefits, for example, it is really helpful when it comes to detoxification of the body.

Ayurveda elixir is probably the most popular one. It is prepared of freshly grated root, honey or maple syrup, black pepper, Himalaya salt and lime juice, or lemon juice. Just mix that all together, add some water and enjoy. The taste has to be spicy and pungent, to additionally promote good digestion. That's why you shouldn't add too much honey, it shouldn't be too sweet.

Home-made syrup can be simply prepared, if you don't want to grate the root every day, In this case, boil some water with brown sugar and stir chopped root in it. Cover your pot and leave it covered for several hours. Cool, filtered syrup can be placed in sealed bottle and safely keep in your fridge for several weeks. You can simply add lemon juice and water, and spice it to your taste.

If you want to take another step toward better health, combine this amazing elixir with good quality Matcha green tea powder. Just add some in your drink and consume it regularly. You may add ground pepper, chili peppers in powder or some other spices. Do something for your health today. It is the tastiest medicine you have ever tried.

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