Preventing And Fighting Yeast Infections - Tips For Anyone

By Alene Tinker

At some point in our lives, chances are that we will all have a yeast infection, caused by one factor or another. But, did you know that there are many things you can do to prevent and control this pesky problem? This article will give you tips to help you live without yeast infections.

Talk to a doctor. While it is tempting to try to wait it out, a doctor can give you the proper medication and make sure that there is not a more serious problem. See your doctor as soon as you have symptoms of a yeast infection, and you will recover more quickly.

When you go to the gym, make sure that your attire is not too tight fitting. When you wear clothes that are too tight, your sweat becomes trapped and can yield excess moisture on your skin. Wear loose fitting clothing so that you are as comfortable as possible while reducing the chances of an infection forming.

Try using aspirin to get some relief from any pain you're feeling. These yeast infections cause you to feel uncomfortable all day, so to reduce symptoms and stay productive, it's a good idea to treat them with some pain medication.

Be aware that although certain medications may help you, others can increase your chances of getting yeast infections. For instance, when you take an antibiotic when you are sick, you don't only kill bad bacteria you will also kill the good bacteria that will help you fight against yeast infections. If this becomes an issue for you, speak with your doctor.

An excellent tip for preventing yeast infections is to always change your clothes after a workout. The sweaty gym clothes that you wear can cause a yeast infection. The moisture is held right next to your skin and will increase the chances of you contracting a yeast infection. So change and dry yourself right after a workout.

Try to eat more foods that are rich in garlic and start eating some sugar-free yogurts. When relieving the symptoms, or preventing the symptoms, of a yeast infection is necessary, garlic is great tool. Non-odorous garlic pills can be purchased at most drug stores. Also, yogurt is helpful in curing and preventing yeast infections.

Keep in mind that certain medications can cause yeast infection by killing the good bacteria in the vagina that help to prevent yeast infection. Antibiotics, medications for urinary tract infection and birth control pills are just a few of these culprits. If you have problems with yeast infections, consult your doctor and ask about alternative medications that may not cause problems.

An important tip for preventing the occurrence of yeast infections is to avoid lingering in a wet bathing suit for a prolonged period of time. By getting out of wet swimsuits as soon as possible after swimming, you have the power to deprive yeast of the warm, damp environment in which they thrive.

Probiotics are your best weapon against a yeast infection. Acidophilus, found in yogurt, is a bacteria which is also a probiotic; it can help the body maintain its natural balances of bacteria. That can help to cut down or eliminate infections altogether. Probiotics are available for purchase in both powder and pill forms.

A yeast infection in your mouth can be frightening. It often happens in infants, but can happen in adults as well. The best ways to fight an oral yeast infection is to rinse your mouth with warm salt water and avoid eating sugar. The salt water will flush out some yeast and not eating sugar will starve the yeast.

Take steps to boost your immune system if you are prone to chronic yeast infections. If your body's defenses are strong, you will be better able to ward off yeast infections. Therefore, try to improve your overall health. Exercise more, quit smoking, take a multivitamin and avoid sweets to help improve your body's immune system and avoid yeast infections.

As mentioned at this article's beginning, everyone has had or will have a yeast infections at some point. But, with helpful advice, like what you have read in the above article, yeast infections do not have to be a problem in your everyday life. Use these tips to your advantage!

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