Tips For Visiting Your Gynecologist

By Jody Leach

Every woman should go for an annual ob-gyne appointment. This should become a routine appointment that you should not overlook considering how this is what will protect you from sexual diseases. When you have an appointment with a gynecologist Monmouth County NJ, here are the tips and tricks that you should take into account.

First, you should try to look for a doctor who you are comfortable with. If you are not comfortable talking with your current doctor, then it is fine for you to look for another one to go to. Do not endure the discomfort, there are lots of others out there after all. The doctor you go to should be one whose personality clicks with yours.

It is very important that you keep track of your monthly cycle. Even though your life is busy with things that are more pressing than your monthly cycle, you should not let that become an excuse to not keep track of your period. You will find it beneficial if you monitor when the cycle arrives and how long it lasts. You should also determine whether there is anything out-of-the-ordinary with your cycle.

In visiting the doctor, you will be allowed to ask as many questions as you can. Prepare a list of the questions you want to ask then. If you have questions that suddenly pop into your head, you better remember to jot them down so that you can ask them to your doctor when the time for the appointment comes.

You must be familiar with your medical history. This is actually the most important information you can equip yourself with when you are going to see the doctor. Not only your own medical history, you should know your family's medical history too. This is especially so if diseases like breast cancer or polycystic ovarian syndrome runs in your family.

When you turn 21 years old, you better get a pap smear. This is the best protection you have, especially if you are already sexually active at that age. You can acquire a vaccine to protect you from sexually transmitted disease when you get a pap smear. No worries because a pap smear is not as scary as everyone makes it out to be.

Get a urine test. There are sexually transmitted diseases that are not detected through pap smear and can only be detected by urine test. Usually, the doctor will recommend you for a urine test without you have to tell them to. However, there is nothing wrong with asking the said doctor to carry out a urine test.

Relax when you go to the said appointment. Most of the time, visiting doctor's offices have a certain stigma. You can usually associate a doctor's appointment with anxiety, uneasiness, and worry. However, you should not get yourself stressed over that. If you just relax, you can avoid these feelings altogether.

When you are talking to the doctor, you should be open and honest. Especially when it comes to your health information and social habits, you better tell your doctor about it honestly. If you do that, then you should be able to get the correct treatment. If you lie about things, you will be the one on the short end of the stick later on.

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