Despite thinking that you may have time, you really don't have that much left.
Life can turn on you so quickly. It's amazing how it seems to do that at the worst time possible. One second you are standing straight up and everything is going great and the next you are on your back. But without these moments, how would we be taught the importance of getting back up after we've fallen?
Our greatest moments come after the times that we lose rather than the times we win. Everyone loves a winner, but when you are down and out and you have nothing left in the tank you finally get to understand what you are really made of. You get to ask yourself, "Are you going to get back up again or are you going to quit?" That's a very big moment, and unfortunately, not a moment that many people can actually pass through effectively.
Unfortunately, it's because fear overwhelms their entire life and starts to eat at them on the inside. The Black Dog of fear nips at their hands and heels and the more they start running, the more it begins to chase them. What these people who get out of the game of life don't understand is that they have to run right back into their fears instead of running from them. Most people never actually figure this out.
However, for those who are willing to try again and again because they know their goals and what they are going after, they will rise and get back to the grind. They will continue to see it through all the way to the end because they know what is possible for them. They know the most important thing in the world - their "why."
We are in need of people who can take a stand for their dreams and goals despite failing over and over again. These people will serve as an inspiration for those who may have pulled off of the road of life. These individuals also shine as a great light in the darkness that shrouds the lives of many who travel through this rough and tough world.
So, what is the decision you're going to make?
Now is the time to live your dream. Do it.
Life can turn on you so quickly. It's amazing how it seems to do that at the worst time possible. One second you are standing straight up and everything is going great and the next you are on your back. But without these moments, how would we be taught the importance of getting back up after we've fallen?
Our greatest moments come after the times that we lose rather than the times we win. Everyone loves a winner, but when you are down and out and you have nothing left in the tank you finally get to understand what you are really made of. You get to ask yourself, "Are you going to get back up again or are you going to quit?" That's a very big moment, and unfortunately, not a moment that many people can actually pass through effectively.
Unfortunately, it's because fear overwhelms their entire life and starts to eat at them on the inside. The Black Dog of fear nips at their hands and heels and the more they start running, the more it begins to chase them. What these people who get out of the game of life don't understand is that they have to run right back into their fears instead of running from them. Most people never actually figure this out.
However, for those who are willing to try again and again because they know their goals and what they are going after, they will rise and get back to the grind. They will continue to see it through all the way to the end because they know what is possible for them. They know the most important thing in the world - their "why."
We are in need of people who can take a stand for their dreams and goals despite failing over and over again. These people will serve as an inspiration for those who may have pulled off of the road of life. These individuals also shine as a great light in the darkness that shrouds the lives of many who travel through this rough and tough world.
So, what is the decision you're going to make?
Now is the time to live your dream. Do it.
About the Author:
Need some more inspiration? Check out The Words Of Encouragement , and dive into Evan Sanders site! Like this post? Then sink your teeth into Life Is Too Short Quotes for a boost.