Learn More About Acupuncture For Back Pain

By Neil P. Hines

Most people will experience lower back pain at some point in life. Common causes of this problem include poor posture, failing to lift heavy objects using safe techniques, and car accidents. Those individuals with chronic discomfort may seek prescription medication, surgery, or some other type of medical intervention for relief. Patients who want to avoid invasive treatments and painkillers can explore the option of undergoing acupuncture for back pain.

People employed in certain industries are at risk of injury. These include workers who have to lift heavy objects and anyone who stands up for several hours a day. Professional drivers are also at risk if they fail to rest frequently throughout the day.

Symptoms include soreness and stiffness in the muscles between the waist and shoulders. The discomfort may be severe enough to cause trouble with walking, concentrating on tasks, and sleeping. Some people attempt to work through the pain by taking nonprescription painkillers while others seek help from a physician.

Acupuncture involves using many tiny needles to stimulate specific points on the body to improve energy flow also known as Qi. Some believe the needles stimulate the central nervous system to release chemicals that improve well-being. Some of the chemicals may be opioids, which are natural painkillers.

The needles may also stimulate the body to release neurotransmitters, chemicals responsible for blocking or stimulating nerve transmissions. Needles inserted along certain meridians affect specific organ systems. Sometimes, the insertion point is in a different part of the body from where the person feels discomfort.

Individuals who take prescription drugs are at risk of suffering with multiple side effects. These may include addiction, a reduction in mental focus and the inability to operate machinery or drive a vehicle. In general, acupuncture is considered safe and the side effects are usually mild in comparison.

Selecting a qualified acupuncturist is the best way to avoid suffering any side effects. Failure to sterilize needles is something that can cause infections. An unskilled practitioner who inserts the needles too far can cause organ damage, though this is rare.

In addition to seeking treatment, individuals can make lifestyle changes to help relieve their discomfort. Certain exercises are helpful for mobilizing and stretching the muscles along the spine. Using proper lifting techniques is an effective way to avoid injury. People who work in an office should learn to set up a workstation to eliminate injuries caused by repetitive motion.

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