Looking for Diamond Water? It may be the healthiest water ever bottled. But you may want to consider some facts before you spend nearly $3 a liter.
The concept of Diamond Water comes Asa Soltan Rahmati, one of the stars of Bravo's Sahs of Sunset. She explains that Diamond Water is a 9.5 pH alkaline water that has also been infused with "Love Energy" through an "ancient ritual" that only she knows using diamonds. Rahmati is an advocate of an alkaline lifestyle including alkaline meals and water, and she also has degrees in psychology and philosophy.
With a name like Diamond Water, you may think you're drinking water with diamond dust in it. That's not the case! It's called Diamond Water because the water is supposedly infused with diamond energy, which Rahmati describes as "the highest spiritual vibration that brings balance to your soul."
The other quality of "Diamond Water" is that it is alkaline, a 9.5 pH. 9.5 pH is commonly believed among researchers to be the ideal pH for drinking water. Research studies have been done on glacial streams, longevity springs, as well as the supposed "Fountain of Youth" in Lourdes, France and all of these waters were about a 9.5 pH. People who drink water from these sources are so much healthier than the general population, with decreased cases of adult onset diseases like cancer and diabetes and longer life expectancies.
On the Diamond Water website, claims are made that 9.5 pH alkaline water can "boost your metabolism", neutralize acid in your bloodstream", and even "help prevent disease."
However, alkalinity isn't all there is to water. When researchers studied the waters in France, the glacial streams, and the longevity springs, they found another VERY important characteristic: negative ORP.
A negative ORP refers to the "oxygen reduction potential" of the water. In other words, it measures the water's antioxidant level. It has an abundance of ions to GIVE when water has a strong negative ORP. When this water is consumed, it gives those ions to unstable oxygen molecules in our cells called FREE RADICALS. Once the free radical receives the extra ion, it stabilizes and becomes oxygen that our body absorbs as ENERGY.
You'll feel great when you drink water with a high negative ORP because it will cleanse your body. It will also give you lots of natural ENERGY!
Pretty spectacular, huh?
The biggest issue I have with Diamond Water is that they don't say anything about having a strong negative ORP. They don't explain the process they use to make the water alkaline at all.
Since Diamond Water does not describe their process, we have no way of knowing about the antioxidant level of their water, and that is something I would want to know before I spend nearly $3 a liter.
You may want to think about this: water will BREAK DOWN if it's removed from its energy source, like the sun. This means that all the beneficial antioxidants will go away in the same manner a soda will lose its carbonation if it sits too long. Broken down water will oxidize your body (think rust). This means that Diamond Water may be alkaline but if it has a positive ORP, it will RUST your cells.
The spiritual component of Diamond Water is a matter of faith. It boils down to whether or not you believe Asa has the ability to change the properties of water through a diamond ritual and whether she can do that to thousands and thousands of gallons of water before she bottles it.
Water ionizers are a perfect alternative to Diamond Water. A water ionizer will make your tap water natural again. It uses multi-stage, state of the art filtration system to purify your tap water. Then that clean water is processed through an electrolysis chamber that copies that natural energizing process of the sun. The result is amazing! You end up with a perfect alkaline 9.5 pH water that's got the antioxidants you need to get detoxified and energized!
Water ionizers were invented over forty years ago in Russia, so they are among the most documented health machines ever made. There are hundreds of clinical studies that you can read on all the health benefits of ionized water produced by a water ionizer.
If you're still thinking about purchasing Diamond Water, here is one more point to consider: a liter of ionized water only costs you about two cents! Compare that to nearly $3 for Diamond Water! I guess you have to ask yourself how much are you willing to spend for your water? Remember, you have to drink a lot!
The concept of Diamond Water comes Asa Soltan Rahmati, one of the stars of Bravo's Sahs of Sunset. She explains that Diamond Water is a 9.5 pH alkaline water that has also been infused with "Love Energy" through an "ancient ritual" that only she knows using diamonds. Rahmati is an advocate of an alkaline lifestyle including alkaline meals and water, and she also has degrees in psychology and philosophy.
With a name like Diamond Water, you may think you're drinking water with diamond dust in it. That's not the case! It's called Diamond Water because the water is supposedly infused with diamond energy, which Rahmati describes as "the highest spiritual vibration that brings balance to your soul."
The other quality of "Diamond Water" is that it is alkaline, a 9.5 pH. 9.5 pH is commonly believed among researchers to be the ideal pH for drinking water. Research studies have been done on glacial streams, longevity springs, as well as the supposed "Fountain of Youth" in Lourdes, France and all of these waters were about a 9.5 pH. People who drink water from these sources are so much healthier than the general population, with decreased cases of adult onset diseases like cancer and diabetes and longer life expectancies.
On the Diamond Water website, claims are made that 9.5 pH alkaline water can "boost your metabolism", neutralize acid in your bloodstream", and even "help prevent disease."
However, alkalinity isn't all there is to water. When researchers studied the waters in France, the glacial streams, and the longevity springs, they found another VERY important characteristic: negative ORP.
A negative ORP refers to the "oxygen reduction potential" of the water. In other words, it measures the water's antioxidant level. It has an abundance of ions to GIVE when water has a strong negative ORP. When this water is consumed, it gives those ions to unstable oxygen molecules in our cells called FREE RADICALS. Once the free radical receives the extra ion, it stabilizes and becomes oxygen that our body absorbs as ENERGY.
You'll feel great when you drink water with a high negative ORP because it will cleanse your body. It will also give you lots of natural ENERGY!
Pretty spectacular, huh?
The biggest issue I have with Diamond Water is that they don't say anything about having a strong negative ORP. They don't explain the process they use to make the water alkaline at all.
Since Diamond Water does not describe their process, we have no way of knowing about the antioxidant level of their water, and that is something I would want to know before I spend nearly $3 a liter.
You may want to think about this: water will BREAK DOWN if it's removed from its energy source, like the sun. This means that all the beneficial antioxidants will go away in the same manner a soda will lose its carbonation if it sits too long. Broken down water will oxidize your body (think rust). This means that Diamond Water may be alkaline but if it has a positive ORP, it will RUST your cells.
The spiritual component of Diamond Water is a matter of faith. It boils down to whether or not you believe Asa has the ability to change the properties of water through a diamond ritual and whether she can do that to thousands and thousands of gallons of water before she bottles it.
Water ionizers are a perfect alternative to Diamond Water. A water ionizer will make your tap water natural again. It uses multi-stage, state of the art filtration system to purify your tap water. Then that clean water is processed through an electrolysis chamber that copies that natural energizing process of the sun. The result is amazing! You end up with a perfect alkaline 9.5 pH water that's got the antioxidants you need to get detoxified and energized!
Water ionizers were invented over forty years ago in Russia, so they are among the most documented health machines ever made. There are hundreds of clinical studies that you can read on all the health benefits of ionized water produced by a water ionizer.
If you're still thinking about purchasing Diamond Water, here is one more point to consider: a liter of ionized water only costs you about two cents! Compare that to nearly $3 for Diamond Water! I guess you have to ask yourself how much are you willing to spend for your water? Remember, you have to drink a lot!
About the Author:
Prior to purchasing Diamond Water, take a look at Water for Life USA to see a full line of water ionizers that ionize the water just like the sun making it alkaline and make it full of antioxidants for your whole family for only 2 cents a liter!